
The progress of the gospel

The mission of proclaiming the gospel and planting churches is going on right here in Fairfax, Virginia…and all around the world. Here are the missionaries and organizations that New Hope supports with our prayers and financial provision:

  • African Bible University of Uganda
  • Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine
  • Huguenot Fellowship, supporting Faculté Jean Calvin (a Reformed seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France)
  • Ministry to the Military & International
  • Mission to the World - China
  • Mission to the World - Japan
  • Reformed Theological Seminary - Washington, D.C.
  • Reformed University Fellowship at Howard University
  • Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Maryland
  • Reformed University Fellowship - International at George Mason University
  • Serge Ministries - Brad and Margarita Wallace

Denominational agencies

New Hope also supports the mission agencies of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America:

Missions principles

How did we settle on the particular missions that we support? The leadership of New Hope has adopted the following biblical principles to guide us in allocating our resources:

  1. That in "missions" God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), according to his eternal and unfailing purpose, is gathering his elect, to the glory of His grace, and passing by others, to the glory of His justice;
  2. That the divinely appointed means to this end is the gathered church, sending ministers (and those who assist them) into the world, so that by the preaching of the Gospel, attended with the sovereign blessing of the Spirit, a people (professed believers and their children) might be gathered into a body, among whom the ministry of Word and sacrament is established, to the glory of God's grace;
  3. That such "sending" includes the approval of and accountability to the Elders of the church (whether Session, Presbytery, or General Assembly), and the prayer and financial support of the congregation;
  4. That those sent by New Hope should be committed to declare the whole counsel of God as summarized and set forth in our doctrinal standards (that is, distinctively Reformed and Presbyterian in doctrine);
  5. That church-planting must be the primary focus, and all other works supported only as justified by some plain scriptural connection to this goal;
  6. That the person(s) supported should have the potential for a long-term relationship of support and accountability with the Elders and the congregation (with priority given to someone from our own congregation, then Presbytery, then General Assembly; then to other Reformed and Presbyterian denominations); and
  7. That works that have a relevance to the particular strengths and interests of our congregation (for example, theological education, Reformed literature, etc.) should have a special priority for consideration.
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